Mancher knows his nor: the Zeit, in der Werbebotschaften in moreseitigen Prospekten dargestellt wurden. This is not the case and you can find it too.

In the Online World, in Social Media and Co. videos are available for a long time. No more photo videos were ever made. Vielmehr die sehr kompakten Videos, which were perhaps produced sometime in the last century. 60 Sekunden, 30 Sekunden, 15 Sekunden. Auf jeden Fall kurz.

Is Vermittler definitively ungeeignet?

Vermittler has been struggling for a long time, when it jumps up. The own Leistung der oberflächlich zu vermitteln, perhaps almost unmöglich. But short-form content is always more enjoyed by young Branchenkollegen. If it is good, if it is possible, the Reichsweite-steigt, the Interaktionen zunehmen – and thus schrittweise Kundenbeziehungen entstehen.

Deshalb recruits with a heute Blick darauf. While the new generation at the Ritter Institute announces these themes, he goes with a compact training – more towards the end – as the first kürzlich in one of his nachgefragten Vortrag in the conference center at the DKM.

Which themes are their own?

This is the question: Was kann Inhalt solch kurzer Videos sein? Die Möglichkeiten sind fallfältig. In the Social Media world, content is generally content.

In particular, Variante 2 is made larger for Short-Form-Content use. Voraussetzung ist, ich kenne meine Zielgruppe, deren Probleme und Handlungsfelder – also, was sie umtreibt. Je besser, umso besser. Information can be collected when ideas are found. Wichtig ist: Es mus nicht nur um die eigenen, als een Versicherungs- und Finanzthemen, gehen. The Arches can get bigger. You can use a profile.

So since the play for a concrete project, the Unternehmerzielgruppe XYZ follows the following conceivable themes:

There was no longer a problem. A few other things you can do are brainstorm. Sowohl Versicherungsthemen as auch weit darüber hinaus.

Learn more with a short description of the compact videos. The performance is a maximum of 60 seconds long. It is possible that your own profile is filled and unedited. Before everyone can find their own strategy and planning on a soul group, it becomes clearer.

Tip: Feel free to look at your team in the same way Theme compact “befähigen” woolen, look like auf vorbei. The instructor at the Institut Ritter is Johannes Ritter. Start in January.

All information about the Jungmakler Awards below

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